Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Day 36 of Lent: God's Love Embraces This World and the Next

This is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.  John 17:3

"This is my father's world, and to my listening ears, all nature sings and round me rings the music of the spheres."  (words by Maltbie D. Babcock)  God's presence is proclaimed in this world and the next.  Every place can be a "thin place" where God is revealed in the tasks of ordinary life.  Every landscape reminds us that God is everywhere we are, even when we are most oblivious of God's presence.

All life is interconnected--that includes the relationship between heaven and earth.  Our image of heaven expresses our hope that God will transform our lives within an environment where grace and growth are constant companions in an adventure toward wholeness for all things.

We are created to live this lifetime in our spiritual journeys and we are creating eternity by what we do today.  We seek justice in this lifetime because it promotes well being for others.  As we live and work to love God and neighbor we find God's presence in the world around us and in the people around us whom we serve.

God loves the world, both the world we live in and the worlds we cannot even imagine.  In this lifetime, we are fellow adventurers together in bringing beauty to this good earth.  God entrusts this planet and its inhabitants to us and guides us as we work together to bring about good.

Affirm for yourself:
God loves this world and all that is in it.
My life is an eternal gift from God.
My loving actions bring joy to others in this life and the next.
I rejoice with God in the beauty of the earth.

Loving Creator, artist of galaxies and planets, and world to come, help us to trust your love for this world and this life.  Help us to create beauty that endures as we celebrate the passing moments. Help us to see holiness in all things and glimpse your everlasting life in this world's most unlikely places.  Amen.

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